The Modern Mystic Tonya June Moore – Saturday April 5th at 7:00 PM -$25/$30/$35

 Tonya June Moore the Modern Mystic!
Entertaining, enlightening and a life changing and inspiring experience!
According to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center over 41% of US citizens believe in and go to psychics. People say that a psychic has helped them more than any therapist they’ve been to.
 Sedona Arizona is considered the # 1 Zen city in the country and the home to 130 practicing psychics. Tonya June Moore has been voted the #1 psychic in Sedona by her peers!
Las Vegas Review Journal-
“Tonya June Moore is a female version of Tony Robbins if he were a psychic. An amazing experience!”
A man recovering from back surgery attended a session and was standing wobbly and unsteady.  He told Tonya it was ruining his life! She placed her hands on his shoulders and ears and told him to release what was blocking his healing. He then walked across the room his wobble was gone!  He said you healed me, and she said no, you did it yourself. I just set the frequency for you to meet. It was a profound moment of healing witnessed by all that were there.
Tonya offers an after-show meet & greet for up to 40 people for $100.00 each which can be added to any price show ticket you purchase. Meet Tonya and ask her questions about your life.